Dental Implants – Harker Heights, TX

Replace Your Teeth to the Fullest

The moment a tooth is lost, major changes can start to happen not just with your mouth, but in your day-to-day life. Chewing food becomes more difficult, your words begin to slur, and your confidence decreases as you find yourself hiding your smile. Even worse, your risk for future tooth loss increases. With dental implants from our Harker Heights, TX dentist, there’s a long-term solution for your tooth loss. Call us today to learn if dental implants are right for you!


Why Choose Market Heights Family Dental for Dental Implants?

  • Partners with Local Experts Nearby
  • Advanced Dental Technology for Better Planning
  • Highly Experienced Team Providing Care

What Are Dental Implants?

Animated smile with dental implant supported dental crown

Dental implants are a form of tooth replacement that consists of three main components: a titanium post, an abutment, and a permanent restoration (single crown, dental bridge, or denture). Since dental implants are surgically attached to the jawbone and integrate with the bone and gums, your tooth replacement feels natural, lasts longer than traditional options, and looks lifelike.

The Dental Implant Process

Dentist using smile model to explain the dental implant process

Over several appointments, you’ll complete steps designed to make your dental implant placement successful. This includes:

  • Initial Consultation - We’ll determine if you need preliminary treatment before dental implant placement.
  • Dental Implant Surgery - You’ll be partnered with a trusted implant dentist to perform the oral surgery.
  • Osseointegration/Abutment - After 3-6 months of osseointegration, an abutment will be placed over the newly fused dental implant.
  • Final Restoration Placement - The permanent restoration will be attached.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Smiling man and woman enjoying the benefits of dental implants

Dental implants provide many benefits that you won’t find with traditional tooth replacement solutions. For example, dental implants:

  • Remain healthy and functional for decades
  • Allow you to eat your favorite foods, including tough, chewy, and crunchy options
  • Help prevent early signs of aging (i.e., facial sagging, hollowing cheeks)
  • Are extremely reliable (they hold success rates as high as 98%)
  • Prevent loss of future teeth (as well as shifting of neighboring teeth)

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Woman with perfected smile after tooth replacement with dental implants

Dental implants are designed to be an effective option for replacing single teeth as well as several teeth at a time. In fact, they are often recommended for those with severe tooth loss and who are tired of using traditional dentures. We’ll review your specific needs during your consultation and create a treatment plan from there. Below, you can learn more about what to expect depending on how many teeth you need to replace.

Missing One Tooth

Animated smile during dental implant supported dental crown placement

A single implant is placed into the jawbone before osseointegration occurs. An abutment sits in between the implant and crown to ensure long-term stability. By filling the gap, you effectively prevent neighboring teeth from moving out of place as well as maintain their structure.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported fixed bridge placement

Implant bridges require a pair of dental implants to hold a restoration. Since the implants are strong enough to hold the restoration, there’s no need to modify existing tooth enamel. Similarly, a partial denture can also be held with a series of dental implants.

Missing All Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported denture placement

Those who are tired of dealing with a standard denture may want to consider an implant denture instead. With roughly four to eight dental implants, you can hold a dedicated restoration designed to replace all teeth in either the top or bottom arch (or both if needed).

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Man considering the cost of dental implants to replace missing teeth

Dental implant treatment is personalized, which means the cost of your care can vary. Until we have a dedicated consultation, we can’t know what your treatment will cost. Certain factors influence your estimate, such as the number of teeth lost, preliminary treatments needed (i.e., bone grafting, gum disease therapy, etc.), and the restoration suggested. We’ll be transparent about your costs upfront and are happy to help you create a plan that fits your budget.