5 Important Dental Health Tips for People on the Go!

August 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 11:35 pm

young man smiling brushing teeth

Does it seem like your schedule is becoming more congested by the day? If so, it can begin to take a toll on your dental wellness. Thankfully, you don’t have to choose between meeting your daily responsibilities and maintaining excellent oral health. With a little creativity and “know-how,” you can protect your mouth, teeth and gums while accommodating your busy life. As you read on, your dentist in Harker Heights provides 5 easy tips to help you maintain a healthy and dazzling smile!

Tip #1 – Buy the Right Toothbrush

If you’re constantly on the go, then select a toothbrush that is small enough to be easily transported. It should also have soft bristles to prevent any tooth damage or gum irritation. Therefore, you can avoid any setbacks with your oral health.

Tip #2 – Keep a Tongue Scraper Handy

While the tongue can sometimes be overshadowed by the teeth when it comes to oral hygiene, the reality is that the former plays a huge role in having healthy teeth and gums. That’s because your tongue comes in contact with every part of your mouth. If it’s not clean, then, it can deposit bacteria in other areas.

Keeping a tongue scraper handy will help to prevent this from happening. By gently gliding it from the back of your tongue to the front, stubborn bacteria and food particles that get trapped between the papillae on the tongue can be removed.

Tip #3 – Use an Alternative to Dental Floss

Every time you brush your teeth, you should also be flossing. However, that standard can sometimes be difficult to maintain when you’re frequently not at home. A remedy is to find an alternative to traditional dental floss.

Here are two other options to consider:

  • Floss picks
  • Interdental brushes

Typically, you can find these items at your local drugstore or grocer.

Tip #4 – Wait Before Cleaning Your Teeth

If you’re pressed for time, you may feel the urge to clean your teeth immediately after consuming a meal. This can be detrimental, though, as the acids in the food can leave your enamel more susceptible to damage. To prevent a mishap, it’s better to wait a short while after a meal before cleaning your teeth.

Tip #5 – Visit Your Dentist for Preventive Care

In the midst of running errands and taking care of business, it’s of the utmost importance to maintain six-month visits with your dentist for cleanings and checkups. These appointments, which only take around an hour of your time each visit, will prevent minor issues from becoming major headaches.

Sure, life gets busy, but you don’t have to sacrifice the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums to meet the challenges. By following these tips, you can enjoy excellent dental wellness!

About the Author

Dr. Melinda Duncan earned her dental degree from The University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Since then, she has remained focused on helping patients maintain the best oral health possible through providing preventive care at Market Heights Family Dental. Dr. Duncan can be reached for more information through her website.

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